Oumy Sene: Guardian of Ancient Wisdom and Figure of Community Cohesion

By Olive Moynihan

In the rich tradition of Senegalese culture, few figures stand as tall as Oumy Sene, a revered guewel elder whose life was dedicated to preserving ancient wisdom and fostering unity within her community. As a custodian of cultural wisdom and a spiritual guide, she embodied the ethos of the guewel - that of a sacred mission weaving together the threads of tradition and community, bridging the gap between the past and present, 

Serving as custodians of ancient wisdom, historians and storytellers, guewels also act as  spiritual guides and intermediaries between worlds. As a direct descendant of the revered guewel Mame Sing Sing, Sene inherited a deep legacy and responsibility of cultural stewardship, and from a young age she was engaged in practices of community rituals and ceremonies through the traditions of sabar drumming, dance and song. These endeavours took her throughout the country, leaving an indelible mark on Senegal's cultural landscape.

A celebrated dancer, known for her boundless energy and speed, Sene captivated audiences as a performer in Senegal's national ballet, touring the world in the 1960s. As a young woman in 1967, she laid the ceremonial first stone alongside President Leopold Senghor in the construction of Senegal’s National Theatre Sorano; an act that demonstrates the importance of seeking the blessings of the guewels before significant endeavours and a testament to her respected position as a leading guewel of the Sing Sing clan.

In addition to raising her own 11 children, she opened her doors to countless others in the three-story home that she built. A savvy and generous businesswoman, she provided shelter, work and a nurturing environment for those in need and over many decades her home was a sanctuary where all were welcome, regardless of background or circumstance. With a deep reservoir of cultural knowledge and spiritual insight, she mediated conflicts with impartiality and integrity, reminding her community of their shared humanity and interconnectedness with all living beings. It was no surprise that upon her passing in early 2024, people came from all corners of Senegal to offer their prayers and respect to this life of selflessness and dedication to others. 

Throughout her life, Sene played a multifaceted role within her community, guiding, supporting, and influencing countless artists and artistic endeavors over the decades. Her profound wisdom and cultural knowledge have guided the philosophical and metaphysical foundations for various artistic expressions and her impact resonates through the arts in Senegal and beyond, continuing to shape the transmission of ancient traditional knowledge to communities around the globe.

Her legacy continues to inspire and guide generations and will continue on through the lives of her children, grandchildren, community and all those who knew her. As the world grapples with the challenges of modernity, the role of the guewel elder becomes even more vital.  Oumy Sene’s life serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring value of ancient wisdom and the importance of fostering unity and understanding. In times of difficulty her presence was a calming influence, offering guidance, and a path towards collective healing. Her philosophy was one of accepting and embracing the mysteries of life and honoring the wisdom of ancestors who have walked this sacred path before while nurturing a community grounded in peace, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to the common good.

In her words: ‘Our culture will never be lost, it will go on and on and on, until the end of time’.